For generations, Chimney Rock has been one of Nebraska’s most prolific and well-known landmarks. First designated as a National Historic Site on August 9, 1956, the natural monument inspired pioneers during their travels centuries ago. From the 1840’s to the 1860’s, the landmark inspired many artists to document its grandeur, including the famous western landscape painter Albert Bierstadt.
Today, the Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation aims to protect the site for future generations. In November 2018, the Foundation purchased 360 acres of pasture situated between Chimney Rock’s spire and the Abbott Visitor Center. With this purchase, visitors will eventually be able to get closer to the great monument.
Now, the foundation needs your help in raising $1.8 million to expand and improve the Abbott Visitor Center.
Donate to the Chimney Rock Project
To mail donations, please make your check payable to the Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation (NSHSF). Checks can be mailed to the Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation, Kinman-Oldfield Suite #1010, 128 N. 13th, Lincoln, NE 68508. The NSHSF is a 501(c)3. Federal Tax ID #47-6000332.

Thank you to The Nebraska Environmental Trust and Dillon Foundation

The Nebraska Environmental Trust awarded the Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation with a grant of $278,650 for the “Grasslands at Chimney Rock Land Acquisition” project. Combined with a generous $125,000 donation from the Dillon Foundation, this funding allowed the Foundation to purchase and retain 360 acres of grazing land surrounding the Chimney Rock National Historic Site. This purchase adds to the existing 40 acres encompassing Chimney Rock and 8.3 acres of land for the visitor center which History Nebraska already owned. Thanks to the generosity of the Nebraska Environmental Trust and the Dillon Foundation, the view of this iconic piece of Nebraska geology and history will be preserved in perpetuity.
- For more information about the NET grant, view our press release.
- For more information about the Nebraska Environmental Trust, visit their website.
- For more information about the Dillon Foundation, visit their website.
Press coverage and more information about the Chimney Rock project
Thank you to our donors so far:
- Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation
- Acklie Charitable Foundation
- Margaret Allington
- Brian and Janet Allison
- Jackie Andersen
- Madelyn Anderson
- Wendy Apple
- Warren and Sue Arganbright
- Jocelyn Baade
- Frank and Betty Balderson
- Rod and Debbie Basler
- Don and Barb Batie
- Lizabeth Bavitz
- Betty Beach
- Dennis and Karen Beeson
- Laila Berre
- William Blizek
- Justin and Belinda Boelter
- Don and Linda Bottorf
- Janell Bruning
- Rod and Penny Businga
- Michael Cameron
- Jack and Sally Campbell
- Andrew Cano
- Gwen Carson
- Cloyd and Linda Clark
- Rod and Sue Clement
- Mary Hellman Cone
- Cornhusker Bank
- Doug and Marlene Correll
- Raymond Crossman and Stephanie Meyers
- Jacqueline and Scott Dagenais
- Harl and Kay Dalstrom
- Gregory Davidson
- Bob and Nancy Davis
- M.J. and Courtney Davis
- Robert and Susan Diego
- The Dillon Foundation
- Jim and Patricia Dinklage
- Lonnie Dunbier
- Judy Dworak
- Tony and Tam Dworak
- Kim and Betsy Elder
- Steve Erdman
- Eldon Ficke
- First State Bank
- Jane Fischer
- Leonard and Ellen Fischman
- Martin Fleming
- Jose Flores
- Michael Flynn
- Kathleen Fowles
- Friends of the NE 150 Sesquicentennial
- James Fruehling
- Michael and Jan Furrow
- John Gale
- Doug Ganz
- Howard and Sandra Garverick
- Hugh and Joyce Genoways
- Kurt Glathar
- Albert and Peggy Golden
- Gordon City Library
- Janice Gradwohl
- Priscilla Grew
- Richard and Catherine Haden
- Daniel Hall
- Kevin and Rosemary Hartzell
- Robert and Ava Hastert
- Mary Jo Havlicek
- John Heil
- Rick and Becky Herian
- Bernard K. and Norma F. Heuermann Foundation
- John Hewitt
- William and Jan Hill
- Travis and Sue Hiner/Hiner Foundation
- Rick Hoffman
- Dan and Alice Holtz
- Patty Howard
- Richard Howe
- Dean and Maria Jacobsen
- Kirk and Trula Jamison
- Andrew MacAoidh Jergens
- Carol Jess
- Kile and Virginia Johnson
- Charles Jones
- Ronald and Sandra Jones
- Stanley Karel
- Kelley Bean Company
- Kiewit Foundation
- Kay Kimberly
- Kosman, Inc.
- John and Wende Kotouc
- Nancy Kvols
- Carol Kraus
- Krieger Family Foundation
- James and Roxann Lampmann
- Charles Lang
- Mary Langhorst
- Roger and Shirlee Lempke
- Vidariy and Vera Levit
- Jean Lewandowski
- Barbara Long
- Daryl and Peggy Long
- Thomas and Kathleen Lorsbach
- Jean Lovell
- Stanley and Jeannie Lucke
- Michelle Manning and Joe Loudon
- Rhonda Andreas Martin
- Marvin Family Fund
- Martin Massengale
- John and Megan Massey (OTCF)
- Bonnie Mayer
- Michael McGuire
- Jim McKee and Linda Hillegass
- Cheryl Duryea McPherson
- James Miller
- Paula Missing
- Alan and Lana Moeller
- Wes Moench
- Dennis and Marlene Mullen
- Nebraska 150 Friends Foundation
- Stephen Nye
- Ruth Olivera
- Oregon Trail Community Foundation
- Oregon Trail Community Foundation
- Darlene Oughtred
- Jim and Mary Owen
- Mollie and Oliver Packard
- Loren and Babs Padelfeld
- Ron and Judy Parks
- Wayne Pavela
- Albert Peltzer
- Thomas Phillips
- Esther and Raleigh Pilster Foundation
- Platte Valley Companies
- Kennard and Linda Pohlman
- Bill and Linda Pratt
- Russell Quimby and Paula Pillen
- Quivey Bay State Foundation
- Walter Radcliffe
- Gary Ramig
- Robert and Eileen Raun
- Mary Reid
- Ted and Susie Rudberg
- Lynne and Barton Ruth
- Neil and Katy Sakurada
- Charles Sanderson
- Charles and Vickie Schaepler
- Dave and Trixie Schmidt
- Richard and Judith Schmidt
- Terry and Phyllis Schulz
- Scotts Bluff Tourism Council
- Kay Shenefelt
- Robert and Carmen Shively
- Joan Silverstrand
- Margaret and Larry Small
- Marjorie Snodgrass
- Pamela and Marcus Snow
- Robert Spitznagle and Linda Cox-Spitznagle
- William and Katie Stevens
- Bud and Jean Stolzenburg
- David Studts
- Sunderland Foundation
- Brittany Svoboda
- Dennis Swanson
- Clare Sward
- Kelly Thole
- Tricker Family Charitable Fund
- Dean and Dorothy Tuma
- Mark Vangen
- Kenneth and Beverly Vogel
- Kenneth and Ernestine VonBargen
- Douglas and Theresa Wadkins
- Wake Charitable Foundation
- Rod and Vicki Walker
- Joseph and Virginia Wojtkiewicz
- Terry Woodman
- Eugene Woznick
- Brian and Dixie Wulf
- Lawrence Yoble
- Birgit Young
- Arthur Zygielbaum
Chimney Rock donors receiving their desktop sculpture